
MVC Pattern In C# Explained

MVC Pattern In C# Explained,MVC Pattern In C# ,Models,data containers,data presenters,Views,Controllers,MVC
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MVC Pattern In C# Explained

MVC Pattern In C# Explained

MVC pattern is split into three pieces

Models are data containers or data presenters. They can be simple view models with the data being transferred between Views and Controllers or they can be domain models with the data, operations, and transformations. Models deal with overall data consistency but not with data rendering on the UI
Views are used to render some of the data handled by the Models as UI.

In other words, Views are used to display elements of the model to the user’s accessing application. 

They don’t know about Models and separated from it.
Controllers used to process requests and other operations on the data handled by the Models. Controllers sit between Models and Views and act as the glue between them. Controllers service client requests and select views to be presented to the client as well as perform operations on the model.

MVC separation of concerns ensures that Models deal with modifying data only, Views deal with UI only and Controller handles user requests and inputs.
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