Electric Bill System Generator using C++ with Full Source Code
The electric bill system generator using C ++ s with full source code is a simple console application that can be used to generate an electricity bill. the system can be generated a bill for your customer by entering your information such as bill id, customer ID, etc. the main purpose of this project is to d digitalize the current transaction for generating electricity bills.
Electric Bill System Generator using C++ with source code
The electricity bill system generator using C ++ with source code by developing a c ++ structure. the system is protected by a security system you need to provide correct log information and user can also tax in the system in the system can I get new customer detail, generate bills, and display customer bills. all data of users in our store as a text file extension. a generator that can be actually an electric bill entring the customer ID and bill ID.
Electric Bill System Generator using C++ with Free Source Code Features:
- Add new Customer
- Bill Generation
- Display Bill
- Delete Bill
Electric Bill System Generator using C++ with Free Source Code Installation:
- Extract the zip file.
- Open the extracted folder
- Locate the c file.
- Then open the file via codeblocks or any IDE's that can run C++ files and run build
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