Farmacia project in php,css,MySQL | Free Source Code Download

The Farmacia Project is an online web application. this project is user-friendly and where the user or admin can manage the pharmacist.
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Farmacia project in PHP,css,MySQL | Free Source Code Download

The Farmacia Project is an online web application. this project is user-friendly and where the user or admin can manage the pharmacist. this system is fully developed in PHP and MySQL. the concept of the main component admin side is design for any pharmacy to reflect their existing manual paper and base system. this is a new project is to control the following information, patient information, room ability star and operating room schedule, and patient invoice.

These services are provided inefficient cost-effective manner with the goal of reducing the time analysis currently required for service tasks.

Farmacia project in PHP

Project Type

Web Application

Project Platform


Project category

PHP Free Project

Used  Programming Languages

HTML, Design,JS: Frontend, PHP: Backend,Bootstrap,JavaScript

Front End




Web Servers

Localhost or Linux Hosting

How To run Farmacia project

  • Download project zip file
  • Free Project Unzip and past WWW folder or htdocs Folder
  • Create the database name: ‘farmica.sql’
  • Import SQL file from the project database SQL folder
  • Open Browser Type project URL Link: “http://localhost/farmacia-master”

Login information:

  • User Name: admin
  • Password: 12345

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