The Visitor Management System project in PHP with source code will serve as the tracing records for a person who can visit the building, school, or office. this project is usedful for every building, school, or office. incident, theft, accident, or slaughter happen in your establishment and they will serve as an online logbook that is very reliable and paperless record monitor. The visitor management system is fully developed in PHP and backend MySQL.
Visitor Management System Project in PHP admin features
- Login/logout
- Dashboard
- count visitors
- count person to meet
- count department
- Visitors
- visitor table records with view image
- Person to Meet
- Add person to meet
- Person to meet table records
- Department
- Add department
- department table records
Visitor Management System Project in PHP user and visitor Panel
- input all information as required
- with image
Template Details for Visitor Management System Project in PHP
Admin Template(Admin)
PDO prepare a statement
How to Run Visitor Management System Project in PHP
- 1st Step: Extract file
- 2nd Step: Copy the main project folder
- 3rd Step: Paste in xampp/htdocs/
- 4th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/”
- 5th Step: Then, click on the databases tab
- 6th Step: Create a database naming “visitor_monitoring” and then click on the import tab
- 7th Step: Click on browse file and select “visitor_monitoring.sql” file which is inside the “Database” folder
- 8th Step: Click on go
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