Point of Sale System in Python Django with source code

The Point of Sale (POS) System is developed in python used in Django Web Framework.
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The Point of Sale (POS) System is developed in python used in Django Web Framework. the Django project contains the least but most important features that can be used by its students for their college projects. this system is a web application. please scroll down to the bottom of this post for the Download button

About  Point of Sale System Django Project

The point of sale system project in Django is dealing with retail transactions and products. These systems display all available records of products, sale invoices, and customers. This project has two panels one is Admin, and the second is Employee. The admin controls all the main control that including customer management with their respective identity number, name, total balance, and photo.

Available Features Point of Sale System Django Project

  • Admin Panel
  • Make Billings
  • Generate Invoice
  • Customer Management
  • Product Management

How To Run The Project?

  • Download and Extract the provided source code zip file. (download button is located below)

  • Open your Terminal/Command Prompt window. (make sure to add "python" and "pip" in your environment variables)

  • Run the following commands:

     pip install Django

                        python manage.py migrate

                        python manage.py runserver

  • Open a web browser and browse http://localhost:8000/ or

Free Source code Download
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Django Framework



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  1. Hello, the source code at dropbox is not DJANGO but android source

  2. can't file the dowload file.
