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what is dot net framework

NET Framework may be a framework which is employed to run .NET software that you simply install in your Windows, and these sorts of software cannot run without .NET Framework in your system.

After installing .NET Framework, a software environment is made and it provides your downloaded software with an adequate runtime for working. .NET Framework are often easily installed in Windows NT, 1998, 2000, Windows 7, 8 and Windows Server of 2008 and 2012 too.

.NET Framework All Versions Offline Installers Direct Download Links

what is dot net framework.NET Framework run-time may be a Microsoft product which is employed to run the applications made with Visual Studio using this framework. For installation, you'll bundle the .NET framework redistributable for the version of .NET that your application needs together with your installer.

Why Do You Need It? 

we were happy with it by the time Windows came out we were ready for a graphical user interface in the early 90s when Windows finally became usable Windows sat on top of dos and windows apps.
 required the Windows runtime environment in order to be able to run you may not remember this but apps like Microsoft Word required Windows but lots of people didn't have Windows installed.
 so you could at the time be running dos as your normal operating system and just install Windows long enough to run word and then close it up when you're done in Windows went away again because people didn't really like Windows back then anyway so Windows apps provide a consistent API for communicating with drivers and devices and so on in my past life I spent years writing device drivers for printers and screams for a DOS based application and assembly language well when Windows came out my job as they say became redundant because Windows provided those services by hosting drivers internally so I didn't have to write them anymore so that's 1991 by 2001 we have a very similar situation the .net runtime sits on top of Windows just like Windows sat right on top of DOS dotnet apps require the dotnet runtime environment enabled to be able to run dotnet apps provide a consistent API for working with Windows data structures data types and more so you can think of runtime as just a windows on top of Windows.
 that provides more services for applications and developers you can think of runtime as an environment that handles data types memory management api's and much much more as you'll see so why are you here why does anyone care about dotnet well before dotnet software development require mastery of multiple technologies and authoring tools you generally had to manually stitch together various programming tools in order to build your applications for example if you want to build a website .
You had to learn VB scripting or Jscript and HTML and some of the pretty ugly tools available for building websites if you wanted to build database apps you'd have to learn SQL and SQL server most likely.
Or some other server application if you wanted to build business applications well most likely Visual Basic would have been your language of choice if you want to build office applications ,VBA and managed to work in a  based environment with office objects using that scripting language if you wanted to build streamlined graphics applications most likely you use C++ to do your work dotnet provides remedies for these issues it provides an object-oriented view of windows.

A brief history of donet?

A brief history of donet?

the dotnet framework encapsulate slots of functionality into groups of classes the application security is built-in you don't have to worry about providing your own authentication and authorization tools it's all built into the dotnet framework deploying applications on the dotnet framework is easier as well because all of the dotnet application exists in containers called assemblies and these containers will you can deploy them without having to add entries to the registry or worry about installing other bits and pieces the dotnet framework and your assembly is all you really need to run an application for the most part you don't need to worry about versioning issues how many times have you built applications and then attempted to deploy a newer version and dealt with all of the issues involved in that runtime largely handles those issues without much effort on your part assemblies can be digitally signed.
using authentic code as one of the options you can see or users can see who authored the application the helps users make intelligent decisions about which applications are safe to install and run and unless.
 You're using common  and you can although we won't cover that in this course there's no need for registration you don't need to write things to the Windows registry in order to run your applications.
 now you can if you want but you don't have to work with common  and the registry in addition all dotnet languages are interoperable you can write some pieces of your application in VB others in c-sharp and others in some other language.
If  you want and they can all communicate with each other and this leads us to the concept of framework architecture if we stop and take a look at this picture which I'm guessing you've probably.
the documentation about dotnet what you see at the bottom is windows and common  services which indicates that all this still sits on top of Windows and the features provided by Windows now I will mention that there are versions of framework that are currently running on other platforms there are initiatives outside Microsoft to cross port the dotnet framework to Linux to the Mac.
we'll be focusing on Microsoft technologies and using Windows and  starting there on top of Windows app the common language runtime is a set of services that provide all the features we'll use when running dotnet applications on top of that is the base class library is a set of classes that provide all the functionality that you can take advantage of in your dotnet applications.
 now within the base class library we have various groups of classes this diagram that shows a couple a donet  and XML for example is a common way to work with data using the base class library runtime and so on now we also have various ways to build applications allows us to build web applications windows forms is the common name for the platform built into the dotnet framework for building windows or client-side applications in addition to all the user interface and classes.

A brief history of donet?

 there is a common language specification which identifies what languages must provide in order to work in the dotnet world this specification is public so anyone who cared to could write a language that fit in with the rest of these tools many vendors have done that Microsoft ships languages like VB ,C++, C sharp and jscript with Visual Studio.
 but you can find lots of other languages like Python COBOL ,Fortran and others that work in the dotnet environment and use this same set of services and classes as the languages we'll look at here now all of that is free you don't need to pay  get all of those tools if you actually want to be productive however.
 you'll want to also find a copy of Visual Studio it was originally called visual some people still call it that because it is the dotnet version of Visual Studio it's the common language runtime that provides a runtime environment for all your dotnet applications we call it the CLR .

purpose is to load and run applications that have been compiled to intermediate language IL some people call it MS for Microsoft intermediate language but it's just an intermediate language that the compilers create every dotnet compiler creates IL as its output we'll look later at how that il becomes executable code the CLR manages dotnet based services like memory management ,garbage collection .
you know removing things from memory when they're done exception handling that is handling errors and applications and that's important to notice that this is here at the CLR level which means that applications have a standard and common way to bubble exceptions from one application or one seizure to another so it's not up to each individual procedure to handle exceptions it's handled by the CLR in addition obviously the common language runtime is in charge of loading and running applications.
 let's stop and look at how the CLR runs code the CLR allows you to run both managed and unmanaged code and one of those words even mean unmanaged code is code that runs outside the common language runtime that is code that was written before we had the dotnet runtime like vb6 or native C++ code that were compiled without dotnet.
 although it's not the common language runtime that loads these things applications can cause these to be loaded and they'll still work with the CLR running at the same time managed code runs within the CLR and benefits from all the CLRS features memory management garbage collection and so on now as I mentioned the CLR and it's compilers create MSI L on output they don't create native code they create il at execution time the just-in-time compiler converts that il code to native executable and this little picture diagrams that if we start with any dotnet language the language compiler at compile time.

creates ms IL code as you see in the middle of the diagram then at runtime there's a just-in-time compiler often called a JIT compiler that creates executable native code from that MS IL you might think this is a drawback but it actually adds some extra benefits the JIT compiler takes the native processor into account it creates code optimized for the local environment if it can that is the JIT compiler can make decisions about how to optimize your code at runtime therefore if you were to install your application to a computer say with a pen  three processor I know there are some out there still and then install it on a computer with a Pentium 4 processor or something even better who knows the just-in-time compiler could make different runtime decisions about how to compile that code into native executable so it would behave best for each individual.
 computer now it only needs to compile the application once the compiled bits are cached locally the performance overhead is very slight if any so you really needn't worry about for most applications any overhead involved in that first JIT compilation and it's a far more complicated procedure that I'm showing here it doesn't JIT the entire application it only loads the pieces it compiles the assemblies.
 we'll talk more about what an assembly is soon it only compiles the parts it needs and puts off compiling others until it actually uses them remember the dotnet runtime and included with it the common language runtime must be installed on client computers in order to run dotnet code of course .
there's a question of how it's going to get there on some computers it will already be there if you're running Windows Server 2003 for example a version of runtime is already there Microsoft Update for many users downloads framework for the user it's a not a small download and it's not something you should take lightly you can't install it from a floppy for example but what's a floppy anyway at this point let's take a moment and look at the BCL the base class library this consists of classes that provide base functionality for framework and many classes also then make your life as a developer easier I sort of found that at any point if there's something I need that I think other people may have needed before me I don't write it myself I look in the dotnet framework.
documentation and I'm likely to find it there this is a library of classes that are used by all dotnet applications and you should as you become a more experienced net developer become more and more aware of what's actually in the dotnet framework based class library that will make your life easier the base class library contains a large number of classes and you might be wondering what is a class .
 now think of a class as just a block of functionality including properties that is something that describes this class methods that is something that the class can do when action it can take and events that is a way of providing notifications about the class grouped into namespaces and a namespace is just a grouping of classes in which every class has a unique name the base class libraries namespaces group classes into common blocks of functionality so that all the classes dealing with file input and output are all in one namespace all the classes dealing with data management are all in a single namespace it's just a way of grouping things so you can find them the get you started here are some common or things.
 you'll use often base class library namespaces for example there's the system namespace this includes all the essential support you'll need for programming including base types like strings integers date/time boolean .
so on there's math functions garbage collection ,memory management and more all within the system namespace every application will use classes from the system namespace there's no way around it.
 there's the system dot data namespace notice that dot they use the dot as a hierarchical organization tool everything for the most part comes under the system namespace so you will name it system dot.
 something now there's other root namespaces there is a Microsoft root namespace for things that applications that aren't using Microsoft tools might not use but for things that are part of the base class library.

what is dot net framework

that every dotnet that application will use the root namespace is generally system  data is a namespace that provides class for working with data including sql server ,ODBC and so on system Diagnostics provides the classes you need to diagnose including event logging performance counters tracing and process management you'll find lots of good tools in the system Diagnostics namespace system globalization well that provides fundamental support for globalization that is translating applications.
 to work in multiple locales and it's used throughout the entire dotnet framework so many different methods in framework use features from system globalization to be able to provide well globalized versions of your applications there's the system dot IO namespace which provides.
 fundamental support for working with well the technology is called a stream and a stream is a class that provides functionality for moving data from one place to another because that's what input/output is about right io, .
it's about moving data from one place to another now the end point of that might be a disk file so there's plenty of support in here for working with disks files folders and so on and throughout this course this namespace gets used a lot because it's a great way to show off examples of other things we'll look a lot if system dot io classes in this course the system dot text namespace includes functionality for working with text and coding it also includes the string builder class .
demonstrations there's system dot text regular expressions and here you can see that the dotnet framework isn't above creating multiple nested namespaces their system text out regular expressions or regular expressions provide a subset or a certain corner of text operations that allow you to provide support for robust parsing and matching of string data system. web provides design time and runtime support for creating and displaying web applications if you're using web applications you'll be living in the system.web namespace system .windows .forms is the namespace that provides all of the features .
you'll use when building windows applications all the controls all the forms all the features of Windows applications live in this namespace system . XML provides support for reading and writing XML content and here we've covered about ten of the hundreds and hundreds of namespaces in framework .
we will focus on several different namespaces and the classes within them Microsoft provides several dotnet languages including Visual Basic, C sharp ,C++ ,jscript and other vendors provide other languages like Python, Fortran ,COBOL and not only we know what Python is but I'm sure you do and you'll find that you can use it within the dotnet runtime environment.
how do these languages interoperate well dotnet provides the common language specification which describes.
 how a dotnet language should work in addition the common type system don't you love those three-letter acronyms CTS describes how data types should work together so that you can write code that uses a string and somebody else can write code in the different language that uses a string and all of us can play along together in the end all dotnet languages compile il.
and we'll be looking at some il.
we'll need to think about what an assembly is what you get when you compile manage code you compile it you get an assembly that's what comes out the other side theoretically an assembly can contain multiple modules although Visual Studio only supports creating a single module assembly .
find version name culture and security requirements there's a list of other files in the assembly and also a cryptographic hash for each file so the dotnet runtime can tell if the file has been modified there's a list of public types types that are exposed by this assembly.
and a list of external required references other things this assembly needs in order to run will be looking at il  that's the il dis assembler which comes with the dotnet framework to examine the contents in just a moment we'll take a look at a dotnet assembly and see what's actually in there so what are your options you can create a large range of applications with net Visual Studio includes templates for these items among a few others Windows applications console applications and we'll be building console applications throughout we don't know what your goal is we're not sure if you're building Windows apps or web apps .

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