What is a search engine?

What is a search engine?,search engines ,like Google, Bing, and Yahoo,Google search
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What is a search engine?

Search Engine Optimization (also known as SEO) is a method of growing the visibility of your website in search engines (like Google, Bing, and Yahoo). Effective SEO will increase your website’s ‘search engine visibility’, which basically means you'll rank for more keywords. There are specific ways we’ll show you how to increase your overall search engine visibility and get found for the keywords you would like to gain that increase in visibility for.

SEO is a combination of several elements including:

[1]Technical Elements

[2]Content on your site

How and the types of other websites that link to your website

No one can work on the web without the program. A web-based tool is very essential to finding relevant information related to any subject. The search engine is a term given to the activity that helps the user to identify the data he needs. It is also called a program that permits the user to seek out the knowledge with the assistance of suggested keywords. Once the keywords are typed within the search bar, a series of documents linked to the keywords appear.

The user then is in a position to click on the proper website and open it. Many search engines help the user as they fetch the related results. They spread the online sort of a spider to fetch documents. Google search is often used. But Google is just one of the programs that identify the documents. There are other search engines also that optimize the info for the user.

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