
What is C#?-trickcode.in

What is C#?-trickcode.in,C# ,Visual C#, .NET Framework
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C# (pronounced as “c-sharp”) or Visual C# is an object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft that you can use along with the .NET Framework. The C# combines the good features of C++ and Java. If you are familiar with these two languages, then chances are that you will easily understand this new language.

What is C#?-trickcode.in

The C# programming language is the only language specifically designed for the .NET Framework. In other words, C# can use the full power of the .NET Framework. C# is very powerful and it uses object-oriented programming principles which makes programming more manageable, scalable, and easier to understand and debug.

In order to run a C# application, the .NET framework must be installed first. C# is one of the languages supported by many .NET technologies such as ASP.NET, Silverlight, and XNA. C# has its own Integrated Development An environment such as the Visual C# Express or the Visual Studio IDE’s. Applications you can write using C# ranges from Windows Applications to Web Applications. C# is constantly being updated and added with new features by Microsoft. So the power of this language can still be amplified on future releases. C# is truly the best .NET programming language.

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