ASP.NET MVC Mini Profiler

ASP.NET MVC Mini Profiler,ASP.NET MVC Mini Profiler,ASP.NET MVC Mini Profiler?
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ASP.NET MVC Mini Profiler
Haven’t heard of the ASP.NET MVC Mini Profiler? It’s a tool developed by Stack Overflow to help them profile their site. Today they announced that it’s now available as a NuGet package.

It is performant enough to be used in production. Developed by some members of the StackExchange team, it is available as a Nuget Package and is easy to get started with. Today, we’ll see how we can use it to Profile an ASP.NET application using EF Code First as its Data Access layer.

Installing and Configuring MiniProfiler

Nuget, installing MiniProfiler is easy

PM> Install-Package MiniProfiler
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