How to Sorting lists in the browser using jQuery UI Sortable

How to Sorting lists in the browser using jQuery UI Sortable,jQuery UI sortable,Javascript
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Recently I wanted to create a user interface where people could re-order lists of items and move items from one list to another. The interface had to be something special so I wanted people to be able to do this by dragging items in their web browser. To do this I started with an unordered list where each list item was another unordered list:

If you viewed it in the browser without styling you would see:
  • List 1

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
  • List 2

    • Item 4
    • Item 5
    • Item 6
  • List 3

    • Item 7
    • Item 8
    • Item 9

Next, I added some JavaScript that used the jQuery UI sortable. With just 18 lines of Javascript I had the whole thing working perfectly with alerts telling me where items were moving to, the list they were in, and if the lists were re-ordered.

$(function() {
    // This allows the lists to be re-ordered
        forcePlaceholderSized: true,
        stop: function(event, ui) {
            var list = ui.item.children('ul').attr('id').replace('list_', '');
            window.alert('Moving list ' + list + ' to position ' + ui.item.index());
    // This allows the items to be re-ordered providing you add them to a list
        connectWith: ".list",
        forcePlaceholderSized: true,
        stop: function(event, ui) {
            var item = ui.item.attr('id').replace('item_', '');
            var list = ui.item.parent().attr('id').replace('list_', '');
            window.alert('Moving item ' + item + ' to list ' + list + ' position ' + ui.item.index());

At this point, I hooked it up to my applications API using jQuery AJAX functions and everyone worked great! Here’s what it looks like with a bit of CSS thrown in:

Sorting lists in the browser using jQuery UI Sortable
Moving an item from one list to another

 jQuery UI Sortable
Moving an item from one list to another
 jQuery UI
Re-ordering the lists
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