What is Domain?

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What is Domain?

What is Domain?

What is Domain? the basic question for newbies. The domain is a unique name that is used to identify a website which is an internet resource like www.google.com here google is a domain name. There are many different definitions for domain let me explain to you more in detail.

The domain is a number that very uniquely defines a switch in the fabric. In the three-level address hierarchy, it is the highest hierarchal level.
Basically, different domain names are used to identify different IP Addresses lets take one more example www.microsoft.com it representing lots of IP addresses but domain names are used in URLs to identify single particular Web Page. For example in URL www.microsoft.com/contactus, a domain name is microsoft.com.

There are different suffix with every domain represent that it belongs to which high-level domain for example

  1. .gov – government
  2. .edu – educational institutes
  3. .org – non profit organizations
  4. .com – commercials
  5. .in – Indian websites
  6. .net – network organizations
  7. .ca – belongs to canada

As the internet is totally based on IP address alike domain names and every web server needs a domain name.

Basic Concept behind Domain Name

Generally, every switch has a single domain and domain ID is an 8-bit identifier with a range of 0-255. (1) is set default in settings for new switches and (0) is reserved and typically products have ranged from 1 to 239 varying by model and switch vendor.

By the rules of the domain name system (DNS), domain names are formed and any name which is registered in Domain Name System (DNS) is a domain name. The main functional description of domain names is described in the DNS article. Some direct points which are showing relation with domain names:
  1. Domain Names are used in various networking contexts and address purposes.
  2. Internet Protocol resource is represented by Domain name.
  3. Domain Names used as simple identification labels for verifying and identifying ownership.
  4. The most important function of the domain name is to easily memorize the numerically addressed Internet resources.

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