Hospital Management System Project in PHP and MYSQL Free Download with Source Code

full hospital management system source code in php,Hospital Management System Project in PHP and MYSQL Free Download with Source Code
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Hospital Management System Project in PHP and MYSQL Free Download with Source Code

The Hospital Management System project is a PHP and MySQL-based system. It helps the hospital in managing the employee, admission and discharge process, treatment form, patient case records, new patient registration process, etc.

Introduction to Hospital Management System

A hospital management system (HMS) is a computerized system that helps to manage the various operations of a hospital. It enables the hospital staff to streamline their work and provides patients with better care.

An HMS typically includes modules for managing patient records, appointments, billing, and laboratory tests. Some systems may also include features for managing employee records, equipment inventory, and drug stocks.

Hospital management systems can be deployed as on-premise or cloud-based solutions. On-premise HMS are installed on the hospital’s own servers, while cloud-based HMS are hosted on remote servers and accessed over the internet.

Many hospitals use commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) hospital management systems. These are ready-made solutions that can be customized to meet the specific needs of the hospital. However, some hospitals develop their own bespoke HMS.

Developing an HMS from scratch can be a complex and costly undertaking. However, it gives hospitals more control over the features and functionality of the system. It also allows them to integrate the HMS with other in-house systems more easily.

Project overview

The hospital management system project in PHP and MySQL is a free, open-source project that aims to provide a simple, easy-to-use interface for managing hospital data. The project is written in PHP and uses a MySQL database for storage. The project is released under the GNU General Public License.

Features of the project

The hospital management system project in PHP and MySQL free download with source code is a great project. This system has many features which are very useful for managing a hospital. The features include:

1) Add/Edit/Delete Patients: This feature allows the user to add, edit or delete patients from the system.

2) Add/Edit/Delete Doctors: This feature allows the user to add, edit or delete doctors from the system.

3) Add/Edit/Delete Departments: This feature allows the user to add, edit or delete departments from the system.

4) View Appointments: This feature allows the user to view all the appointments in the system.

5) View Prescriptions: This feature allows the user to view all the prescriptions in the system.

Procedure for downloading the source code

1) Download the source code from the given link.
2) Unzip the downloaded file. 
3) You will find the "hms.sql" file in the unzipped folder. Import it into your PHPMyAdmin.
4) Run the project by double-clicking on the "run.bat" file present in the unzipped folder.

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